A bunch of 10-ton ships

All this messing with smallcraft left me wondering how cheap you can make a ship in Traveller. Turns out about Cr 160,000, if you want to drive a rocket and solar powered planetoid rubble-pile from a cockpit. But that's the extreme. You can do quite a bit with 10-ton ships, and so here are a gaggle created for The Beyond, but suitable for just about anywhere. Ingiisi Yards 10-ton vessels The Ostmark Venture Disaster of 935, with 177 passengers and six crew dying as life support failed on the stricken liner prompted the Nakris Confederation to mandate lifeboats capable of evacuating all passengers and crew from any Nakris-registered liner above 400-tons. This change in regulation prompted a rush to create lifeboats capable of being retrofitted into existing ships and changes to designs of Nakris-built ships to accommodate the new regulation. One of the first yards to complete a new design was Ingiisi Yards, previously mostly a producer of generic utility boats and launches. Re...